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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 6, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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write to us put that in the headline, and thousands of e-mails, a lot of them are good and we want to read yours. i'm bill o'reilly, remember that the spin stops right here 'cause we are definitely looking out for you. >> . >> welcome to "hannity." tonight we begin with a follow-up to a very troubling story about the president's targeted drone killings program. now, as we told you yesterday, according to a leaked justice department memo the president apparently believes that he now has the legal justification to kill american citizens overseas if they are suspected of terrorist activity and are believed to
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pose an imminent threat to america. the criteria is very subjective. well on the eve of john brenner's confirmation hearing as cia director. brennan is widely seen as the architect of the administration's kill policy and convinced the president of the program's value. under this program three americans have been targeted and killed. among them islamic cleric suspected terrorist anwar al-awlaki and the justice will give the senate and house intelligence committee access to classified legal advice providing the rationale to the strikes. and the policy is on display. when it comes to the war on terror it's blinding. let me lay it out for you. a few short months after taking office, this president set out on the apology tour and remember, he delivered
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these statements. >> 9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. the fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our traditions and our ideals. we're taking concrete actions to change course. i have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the united states. water-boarding is torture, it's contrary to america's traditions, contrary to our ideals, that's not who we are, that's not how we operate. we don't need it in order to prosecute the war on terror. >> sean: there he is sanctimonious telling the world america does not torture. let's fast forward and look where we stand now. we're now a country whose president by his own doing has unchecked authority to kill american citizens, all of a sudden water-boarding doesn't
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seem that bad. we only water-boarded three kno known, including khalid shaikh mohammed. and this drone has killed three american citizens and don't tell that to president bush, made into a modern day attila the hun just by enhanced interrogation. remember this. >> has also claimed that he has the authority to kidnap individuals on the streets of foreign cities and deliver them for imprisonment and interrogation on our behalf by autocratic regimes known for cruelty and torture. >> you admitted that there were secret cia. >> why is that against the law. >> we disagree with that and
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plus, my job is to protect you. >> what is this water-boarding that the president so readily embraces? it sounds a little like a cousin of skate boarding or snow boarding, but in fact, it is a new name for an old water torture in which a human being is drown. >> sean: now, some democrats have come forward and criticized this kill policy. i'm curious tomorrow when john brennan goes before the senate is he going to he get the same scrutiny that president bush did? and i hope that the news networks and liberal critics that eviscerated bush over water-boarding will take the same tone over a program that frankly makes enhanced interrogation techniques look like child's play. lastly before i bring in my guest. i want to play for you an interesting parallel in relation to this drone program made by rush limbaugh. perhaps his statements, maybe these will resonate with the president 'cause it kind of hits home. >> if this provision had been
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in place back in the '70s does this mean that nixon could have assassinated the weath weatherman? could nixon have taken out bill gates? does this mean that richard nixon could have taken out the new black panther party? >> i believe bill ayers joining me to sort this out, and peter hoekstra, the military chair and lt. colonel bill cowan. let me get this straight, water-boarding that's against our values, ideals and traditions, but it's all right to kill somebody? where is the outrage? this is unbelievable, really? >> quite a contrast, sean, no question about it. even if romney had won the presidency and this news had been leaked you know the left would be all over him blaming him for this memo written
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sometime back. sean, i have no problem with the drone program, i don't have a real problem with water-boarding if it saved american livelies. i have no problem killing americans overseas part of a terrorist organization. the issue is, is this the beginning of a slippery slope, how long going to killing americans overseas to killing americans here in this country with drones and remind you that dhs had a memo a couple of years ago that said that veterans of the war, the second amendment supporters and anti-abortion people and anti-immigration people were all potential terrorists. so you see this threat kind of making its way to the point where drones are used in the united states. >> congressman, this is a good point the colonel is making here because these standards are vaguely defined. easily manipulated for nefarious purposes in some cases and they even say if they believe a threat to be imminent.
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even when no threat of attack is immediately present. that doesn't make sense. the target must have recently been involved in activities. they don't define recently, don't define activities, sounds like they can pick and choose, you know, judge, jury, executioner here. am i reading too much into that? is that too much power? >> i think you're ready exactly wys, it's very, very clear and i think the last point you just made is the point that all americans should be concerned about. this gives the president the administration, one branch of government, way too much authority. what we need in this process and what we fought continually with in the bush administration as they went through the process, make sure that the administration as they carried out enhanced interrogation techniques, as they carried out a drone program, to make sure that there were rigorous, enforceable standards that were measurable and make sure that another branch of government, in this case the intelligence committees of the house and senate would have access to review and provide
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the appropriate oversight to protect the constitution and to protect all americans. the president is taking all of this authority to himself, he is the judge, the jury, and the executioner, that's absolutely 100% wrong. >> this is a real life license to kill without any standard. the white house saying, defending it as legal ethical and wise. let's go back and compare this to the anger among prominent democrats over the issue of water-boarding. watch this. >> there is no appropriate torture period. >> we've been arguing that for a long time. they've been arguing to be allowed to torture. this is the first administration in american history the vice-president of the united states says we should be allowed to torture it, they argued for torture for a loophole that allowed them to do it and now the president steps up and says the united states doesn't torture. >> i am opposed to torture, water-boarding is torture, america is better than
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torturing, we're a law abiding country and torture is not permissible and when you have a prisoner to torture him, it's against the law. >> can you, mr. vice-president, ever envision a time when water-boarding should be used on anyone? >> no. >> no? >> no. >> sean: i want-- >> it's not effective. >> it's not effective. >> correct, it's not effective. >> sean: that's staggering. colonel, a staggering act of duplicity and hypocrisy, torture is not allowed, but killing without due process is. beam me up, scotty! help me out, colonel. >> i know, sean, you're absolutely right and i tell you again, i don't think that water-boarding is a torture, i think it's a lot of discomfort and disagree totally with the vice-president. of course, water-boarding can get people to talk and if it saves american lives we ought to be doing it whenever we have to not to just everybody out there, but the particular bad guys, but to compare
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water-boarding as torture with killing americans is totally two ends of the spectrum, sean. a tight spectrum, but two ends. and it's hard to believe that the left in the congress isn't going after the program. i support killing bad guys with drones, but i don't sport it the way it's laid out in that memo. >> sean: it's too much, honestly no criteria and we thought so, that's it. and guys, thank you very much. more on this coming up in the program. but coming up next. >> no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. >> a new term brings brand new lies from the president, why he's broken his word yet again and again and again answer check with michelle malkin and juan williams and they'll square off. and coming up. >> it's basically not illegal anymore. >> sean: bombshell testimony from a top immigration expert as he reveals why the
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president's policies are putting federal agents at risk and new lacks deportation rules could lead to the next 9/11. we'll have that powerful story and david limbaugh all coming up. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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>> all right. for the past four years president obama in order to push through his radical agenda flat-out lied to you,
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the american people. here are examples to prove our point. >> you will have a nominee that doesn't take a dime from washington lobbyists. doesn't take a dime from washington banks and when i am president their days of setting the agenda in washington will be over. >> today i'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office. >> will be closed no later than one year from now, guantanamo. >> transparencieiey and the rul of law. >> sean: the set of lies, a brand new set of you be kept promises and they're starting to buildup. remember when our fearless leader said this. >> no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. >> nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. >> we've been extraordinarily
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careful not to in any way undermine the employer-based system. >> that's why my proposal builds on the current system where most americans get their insurance from their employer. if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. >> sean: guess what, while he couldn't keep those promises either. middle class taxes have gone up and will continue to do so thanks to the administration. when it comes to obamacare, the cbo projects by 2022, 7 million americans will not be able to keep their employer insurance program thanks to obamacare. and best selling author michelle malkin and fox news political analyst juan williams. we have one article in investors daily today the cheapest plan by 2016 is going to be $20,000 and cbo says that 7 million americans are going to lose their health insurance. what happened? should i be upset over this or just accept that promises aren't fulfilled here? >> i don't see how it's any
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promise broken. i think everybody knows the affordable health care act is going to be implemented in stages, sean and just like social security when it started and medicare, medicaid, they have some difficulty in their starts. what the cbo was saying not everybody is going to sign up right away so some cases you're going to have situations where the lack of coverage or increase in cost of coverage, that's why there's an individual mandate and takes time for that to be put in full place done over several years. >> michelle, seems to be one good excuse after another and all broken promises unfulfilled. why do i expect the media if it was george bush, we might have a different reaction? >> because double standards are the reality in washington and they have been for a long time and of course, all the obfuscation and excuses were added to in the 30 seconds that juan williams just spoke. he can't understand why you're pointing to all of these lies from the lying liar in chief
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about how he sold americans a bill of goods on obamacare. could you spell it out any clearer in all of the sound bites, the comparison between what he promised and what people are getting? the reality of even big labor organizations that lobbied most aggressively for obamacare and now balking and wanting out of it because their rank and file members are realizing that they're going to pay a hell of a lot more than they paid before obamacare came along, that's assuming if they still have their plans because of course, many of these union chapters and this is an untold story, have been dropping their plans or deteriorating a lot of the benefits that they had before obamacare. and as for all of the rest of the litany of lies and promises that he made that have been broken, all you have to do is go on twitter every day and hear from all of these young people who are discovering that their paychecks are getting smaller and shrinking as a result of the payroll tax hikes that were embraced by this
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president. and the long litany of taxes yet still to hit people in the pocket books. yeah, that's a reality and i guess outside the beltway bubble people are feeling it. >> sean: juan, if you remember they made a big deal, the president did, saying this would be under 900 billion dollars. the reisn't estimate up to 2.8 trillion a lot more than what they estimated. the cheapest plan they're saying now is going to cost $20,000, family plan by 2016. and the house report that came out said obamacare compliance will take a staggering 127 million man hours. you don't see any problems in that at all? you don't-- >> i think you're -- you're -- the sky is falling, the sky is falling, obama is bad, but i'm just telling you in fact what the cbo is telling you the rate of increase in terms of health care spending in the country has gone down in two years and that's part of the
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process of putting in affordable health care act. >> hello, reality, yeah, reality check. i may not be a real journalist like you, juan, but i'm not a polly anna either and out here in the real world the effects of obamacare including the medical device tax that is cutting r and d and causing layoffs across the country in the most innovative firms. the fact that so many people who were intending to go into medicine are no longer going into medicine. thank you, brain drain, a big consequence now of obamacare, and the fact that so many small businesses, doctors who were individual practitioners are either bailing and retiring altogether or going into concierge care. have you heard that term, do you know the trends now of people who are shutting down their practices as they used to be constituted, dropping insurance altogether where now, only the wealthiest can pay for care, congratulations, obamacare, heck of a job.
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>> you know, i'm going to ask you to calm down a second and think about what's going on here. this system, health care system affordable health care act is trying to fix issing is that took a long time to break. under president bush we had the prescription drug act, part d, not funded. that's what contributed to the-- >> yes. >> strain that we see right now on medicare. >> and the republican party-- i oppose that, juan. >> okay, i'm just saying you want to give the whole picture to the listeners here and that's part of the story, michelle. and if you try to fix the system that's badly broken that's driving this business to deficit it's going to take time and slip-ups. >> sean: i think we ought to say nonaffordable care act. good to see you both. thanks for being with us. >> you're welcome, sean. >> sean: coming up next. >> i say can't arrest aliens because they enter the united states easily or overstayed their visa, it's basically not illegal anymore. >> sean: stunning testimony
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the president is being accused of legalizing illegal aliens and in the process my next guest says he's putting the lives of federal agents at risk and find out how the white house's new nondeporr nondeportation policies could lead to another 9/11. and accused of taking the food out of mouths of little babies. and will the president who endlessly lectures improving the tone and civility in washington have anything to say about this? don't hold your breath. citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight. ♪ ♪ back against the wall
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>> we have disturbing news out of washington, the country's broken immigration system. one person who spoke was the former secretary of ice under the bush administration, julie meyers-woods. in a written statement to the committee warned quote, the administration has issued guidance that provides that illegal immigrants who have committed crimes only relating to their entry and illegal stay in the united states may be excused from deportation, and obtain authorizations in certain cases the difficulty is individuals who may want to cause harm to the united states may not be previously convicted criminals and this administration deferred
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prosecution guidance could cover individuals like several of the 9/11 hijackers who merely lied to obtain state identification documents or other-- or their visa applications so essentially the hijackers would have been protected by this law of nondeportation according to miss woods. that was not the only alarming testimony. we heard from the national ice council president said more concerned about politics than finding real solutions for our borders and described how ice agents and their hands are tied. >> we currently have 11 to 20 million illegal aliens in the united states got here one of two ways, they entered the united states illegally or game here legally with a visa and never left. so what is ice doing about visa overstays and illegal entry as both lie at the heart of our broken immigration system? ice has essentially prohibited its agents from enforcing
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these laws. ice agents can't arrest aliens solely because they entered the united states illegally or because they overstayed their visa. it's basically not illegal anymore. generally speaking, not unless the alien has been convicted of a criminal defense. >> sean: joining me to explain more is the man you heard from, chris crane, welcome to the program. thank you for being here. >> thanks, sean, good evening. >> sean: i've got to get this straight. because i thought we were a nation of laws and we obviously have a process and congress passes laws and presidents sign them into law. and you're testifying that ice has essentially prohibited agents from enforcing these laws and that mean that people -- you cannot arrest aliens because they entered the country illegally or because they overstayed their visa. you're saying you cannot enforce the law? >> absolutely, sean. and i think you're probably aware that he we currently, as ice agents right now, have a
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lawsuit against this administration because you know, they've put us in this position where they're ordering us not to enforce the law and if we refuse those orders, and attempt to enforce the law, then we, as officers, will be disciplined up to and including removal. so, absolutely. when you look at-- and i want to be very clear here. one of the things we do as agents, work in jails and prisons and the new ice policies tell us when we go into prisons and jails, we have to apply this policy that says, you know, hey, if you're here -- if you entered the united states illegally, that's okay. and if you overstayed your visa, that's okay. you have to have been convicted of a felony. committed three or more misdemeanors or done something serious in order for an ice agent to arrest you. >> this kind of takes my breath away. who gave you these orders? are these written orders, verbal orders? who told you you can't do the
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job that you were hired to do? >> well, for the last four years it's been a little bit of both. you know, we've had orders that were in writing, those orders, you know, started making their way to the media. and at that point, the administration basically made everything verbal. so, everything was done secretly so that nothing could get out to the public. now after, you know, the election, basically they're just putting it in writing. it clearly says in writing that you know, you can't arrest this person for being an overstay or for entering the u.s. he wiillegally. they have to commit an offense. >> even if they're in jail? >> even if they're in jail, sean and convicted of certain crimes we still can't touch them. they have to reach certain criteria which we completely don't understand. >> look, i'm an immigration agent, i went through the academy and i've been trained
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in the law and the administration is using language that doesn't apply to the law and makes no sense. they tell us there are significant and insignificant misdemeanors, we don't know what that means and no clear definition what that means and most of our folks don't know what to do in the field right now. >> do you agree with the assessment, i mentioned earlier this quote of julie meyers-woods that essentially this would have applied to the 9/11 hijackers that even if we knew they were here, they wouldn't have gone under this policy? >> i do agree with it, sean and i think she hit the nail on the head and i hope that everyone out there is listening carefully to this, when a former ice director, you know, goes before congress and makes a statement like this, that ice and dhs are not enforcing the law that if tomorrow we came in contact with and apprehended the 9/11 hijackers, these terrorists,
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that they would be released. i mean, i think that's a pretty damning statement about what this administration is doing with regard to immigration enforcement. >> sean: all right. thanks for your powerful testimony. it's pretty shock that go we're a nation of laws and that one president can just decide on his own, forget, we'll do it by executive fiat. forget those laws, forget separation of powers and co-equal branches of government. thank you for being with us, a startling testimony you gave and a roeminder, following the live show, hanni and coming up next. >> talking about taking food out of the mouths of babies. >> sean: oh, yes, now republicans are being accused of taking the food out of the mouths of babies. so will the president finally take notice of the irresponsible rhetoric flowing from his own party? we'll check with david limbaugh and then it's called
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the most highly recommended bed in america. now save up to $400 on select tempur-pedic mattress sets. find out more at >> attempts to blame the gridlock in washington never ceases to amaze me. as the president claims fox news is responsible for the nasty atmosphere. perhaps he should look at his own members. >> the time we should take off the green eye shades and look at the people behind the cuts made. 600 million dollars of cuts to community health centers. 500 million dollars in cuts to the women infant and children nutrition program. that's talking about taking food out of the mouths of babies. really, really? republicans are taking food out of the mouths of children. so the president endlessly lectures on approving the tone
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and civility of washington, is he going to say something about this gem? i doubt it don't hold your breath. and joining me david limbaugh, strategist penny lee. david, it's time to come clean, stop hiding it, you want to rip food out of the mouths of babies, you want hold people to be thrown over the cliff and kids with autism and downs syndrome to defend for themselves. you hate people, hate children, old people, everybody. just come clean. >> and that goes without saying of course, but, you know, liberals are especially puffed up after this election, they're arrogant. they're power mad and this, this is, look at what they're doing in the various states. they're propping required liability insurance for gun owners just to harass people who believe in the second amendment and won't come to heel. they say we want to bring you to heal. this congresswoman is engaging
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in hysterical hyperbole and propaganda. 47 trillion in next years that's not enough spending? what's killing for the infants and babies, he's smothering producers and the wealthy he's taxing them more and about to go nets because the republicans finally have him over the barrel in the negotiations because they're willing finally to go over the cliff and to walk away from the table and he's freaking out because there's going to be cuts and he can't stand cuts. >> sean: not even cuts, they're reductions of rates of increase-- >> exactly right and people like penny are who intellectually honest ought to come to the table and condemn obama for spending us into bankruptcy and taking the foods out of the mouths of future generations and children. >> sean: think of what david
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is saying, with obama 6 trillion in debt kind of taking a sledgehammer and robbing our kids blind, i'll say that, but penny i'm sure you think that david and i hate children and probably want to dirty air and dirty water. >> of course i do. i mean, that's the rhetoric that i'm hearing so of course it has to be absolutely true. no, i mean, i agree with david we have to take a look at spending cuts and we do have to have them responsibly taken into consideration and i think it's actually letting sequestration happen 1.2 trillion dollars worth of cuts that actually need to occur, would i agree they need to be across the board? maybe, maybe not. and the discussion, so i applaud the effort and sequestration is going through with it, we need to do that. >> how about the president that lectures on tone and civility and republicans plan for dirty air and water and people with autism and when does he step in he's such a
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phony. can we be honest here, the president is selective moral outrage and calls sandra fluke and democrats can say, go forward. >> both sides can be accused. >> sean: forget both sides. >> we have a system which the voters get to decide and i applaud the voters for not tolerating alan west and todd aiken and richard-- and voters have decided and i think it's a good thing to be able to put it into the hands of the voters and for them to decide whether or not they're toll rent and they decided this election they weren't. >> sean: david limbaugh how dare you take food out of the mouths of those little babies, that's outrageous. >> well, obama wants to attack anybody personally who tries to cut spending, who proposes entitlement cuts and that's what it's about with paul ryan, personal attacks. look how obama has lied on matters that will affect this
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budget on our future prosperity and solvency. insurance information on obamacare is coming out and startling. three, four agents have projected the costs were way underestimated and we have a 73 list, page list that has been produced by the irs and the hhs showing people who -- who will be exempted from not having to pay, from paying the pent for not having insurance. these costs are shifting and it's going to destroy the health care system and it's going to knock this budget all out of face and obama still has not been brought to account for lying about everything that obamacare would do. he's not -- it might even end up with 40 million uninsured and that was the entire premise of obamacare, we're going to lose our choice of doctors, lose our choice of private insurance and costs are going to go up and the government's going to have control. that's all obamacare is about, government control. he doesn't believe the economy
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can work unless the government controls it top down. that's why he says no cutting our way to prosperity. yes, mr. obama, you cut your way to prosperity cutting taxes, spending and regulations and you better believe you can cut yourself to prosperity i know you didn't ask me those questions, but i thought i'd share those. >> sean: penny. >> a lot to react to. as far as health care positive thing and glad my mother in alaska fighting a brave battle on cancer and medicare extended for her for many years to come and glad with the women with pre-existing conditions can now have insurance being afforded to them. i'm glad that kids now, up to 26 can ho be able to make the transition from college into-- >> affordable? >> absolutely is affordable. >> no. >> the costs are coming down. >> yes, really, penny, that's
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not-- >> it is true. >> and working costs-- >> we're working to make sure that those, that expand the pool and that some of the governors would actually participate in the greater level we would have more extended and coverage would continue to come down and on the issue of health care there are many positive things. >> sean: we've got to go. >> that the president fought for. >> see you both. >> this is obama's five year plan it's not going to work. it's a soviet style plan it's not going to work except to take over insurance by the government. >> sean: david thank you. penny thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: and we'll debate whether this is quote, the raciest tv ad ever. features a topless sports illustrated model and a cod sandwich stirring up controversy, and later tonight. >> i can't believe i got suspended. >> sean: he got suspended one of the most absurd elementary school overreactions that i've heard and wait until you find out why the seven-year-old boy was taken out of his classroom
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and he'll tell you tonight in his own words straight ahead. [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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>> question, what do you get when you put a topless sports illustrated model on a beach eat ago cod sandwich? well, it's called possibly the
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raciest tv commercial ever. take a look. ♪ ♪ somewhere beyond the sea ♪ ♪ somewhere waiting for me ♪ ♪ my lover stands on golden sands ♪ >> nice sandwich sometimes you don't want to get fried, charl broiled not fried fish sandwich. >> sean: too much for tv? to debate it, julie and jedidiah. why are you laughing? >> we're laughing at you, not focusing. you're blushing. >> sean: no, i what do you think? >> i think it's too much and the reason that kids watch the ads and if i'm not a parent, if i were a parent and sitting with my ten-year-old son or daughter i would feel a compulsion to cover their eyes and don't want to have a
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conversation with my kid about sexuality and all of these things for watching an ad about a sandwich. >> sean: we do rob these kids a little bit of their innocence, younger and younger, i mean, they're inundated. >> if i had a ten-year-old daughter which i don't, i would tell her you don't get those kind of bodies with the carl burgers, what she's eating. >> sean: that's a fish sandwich. >> or even a fish sandwiched grilled with tartar sauce on it. not getting that body eating carl's, jr. >> sean: your problem, kids are watching and it's the super bowl. by the way extended version that's raciest and we have it and i think we had to edit out one part of that. >> when you look back at a super bowl ad, some of the ads if you looked at the farmer ad from dodge or the clydesdale. >> sean: i love the clydesdale, that was amazing. >> and i feel-- >> the paul harvey ad. >> exactly, you have an opportunity to get some real messages across that will stick with people. instead i feel like this is the easy way out. >> no, no--
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>> and look it, this girl is gorgeous. >> beautiful, beautiful girl. >> sean: and you're right, it does sell. so? >> and i don't have a problem with it, how is that moresy or less than the beyonce half time show or madonna half time show. >> sean: we've given into the idea? that's pretty racy and speaking now as a professional tv watcher, i was at the game. >> why do you need us here right now? you and the crew are sitting here watching that over and over again, you don't need us here. >> sean: no because it does, at some point when is enough? it seems like, look, i don't have a problem. a beautiful woman in a bikini, no problem, red-blooded male. we're robbing kids of their innocence in a lot of ways. no limits anymore, and-- i'm not saying that the government should get involved for crying out loud, if obama has his way we'll have flag
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football, not tackle. >> if you don't want the government standards they're putting this ad up for a reason. >> sean: are naked ads next? >> i guess it's going to sell burgers, right? they obviously market this. >> sean: makes me want to have what, an atlantic cod sandwich. >> don't you take this and market test it and see that it appeals to people. >> sean: and also brand building, it doesn't mean that everybody's going out to get a cod sandwich. >> we're going to determine what's next. we are the markets and these ads are a reflection of us, if there's not a market for this type of ad-- >> does it bother you it's always women in these ads or generally speaking? >> it doesn't because these are women who-- these are independent minded women and probably doing great for herself, she's a beautiful woman, i don't begrudge her for making cash, and ads for herself. that doesn't bother me. what bothers me the reality, the tv programming and what happens to us as a culture and
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what we crave and works for us. >> sean: is this a culture impact in any way it's too much? >> i think it's a reflection of our culture, where we are. as i said earlier and jedidiah agreed with me. this appeals to people who sell the product to. >> more men watch football than women and appealing to them, but the clydesdale ad appealed to me and the paul harvey. >> that's great, but does this not get your attention more than the clydesdale. >> sean: it works, sex sells. >> and probably run out to carl's, jr. right now. >> sean: i don't think there is one. >> i don't think it's the sandwich everyone was left thinking about, sean. and-- >> good to see you both. >> thanks so much. >> sean: and coming up next. >> i just can't believe i got suspended. >> sean: all right. a story all of you parents need to hear, find out why that second grader was yanked
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out of school for playing an innocent and harmless game on the playground and we'll hear from this innocent seven-year-old in his own words when we get back. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet...
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>> all right in recent months we've seen outrageous overreaction by school officials across the country. kindergarteners, first graders punished over gun-related matters and the pennsylvania girl suspended after she joked about shooting her friend with hello kitty bubble gun similar to the one on the screen. and two one in maryland, where boys were reprimanded for pointing their fingers in the shape of guns. as ridiculous as those examples are, one in loveland, colorado takes the top prize, a second grader suspended for


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